How long do cats live?

How long do cats live?

Do cats really have nine lives? Have you ever wondered how long would a cat live?

Usually, domestic cats with optimal factors such as healthcare, healthy diets and environment, can live for up to 20 years. Life expectancy depends on many things, including one important factor - whether your cat is an indoor cat or an outdoor cat.

An 'outdoor cat' generally live shorter than cats who are kept indoors all the time. This is because outdoor cats are exposed to dangers such as road traffic accidents or attacks by other animals. Outdoor cats are also exposed to several life-threatening viruses including Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and so on which could spread through fighting or contact with an infected cat. 

Do neutered cats live longer?

Neutered males live 62% longer than unneutered cats, while females are 39% longer. This is because neutering prevents reproductive diseases and neutered cats are less likely to roam. Understanding your cat's health and behavioural conditions during their life stages could help them to grow up happily and healthily. 

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